A write-off is an accounting action that reduces the value of an asset while simultaneously debiting a liabilities account. It is primarily used in its most literal sense by businesses seeking to account for unpaid loan obligations, unpaid receivables, or losses on stored inventory. Generally, it...
A write off occurs upon the realization that an asset no longer can be converted into cash, can provide no further use to a business, or has no market value. 冲销是指对资产账面金额的冲减。当意识到一项资产不再可以转换为现金、不能为企业提供近一步价值或没有市场价值时,就需要对此进行冲销。
An asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount (Note 2.14)倘若资产的账面价值超过其估计可收回金额,则该项资产的账面价值会实时撇减至其可收回金额(附注2.14)。write off 1. 核销 Ac...
A write-off is an accounting action that reduces the value of an asset while simultaneously debiting a liabilities account. It is primarily used in its most literal sense by businesses seeking to account for unpaid loan obligations, unpaid receivables, or losses on stored inventory. Generally, it...
A write off refers to the reduction in the recorded value of an asset. This action takes place when an asset is deemed no longer capable of generating cash, offering any utility to the business, or holding no market value. For instance, write off might be applied in the case ...
·A write-off is different from a write-down, which partially reduces (but doesn't totally eliminate) an asset's book value. 冲销与减记不同,后者是部分减少(并非完全消除)资产的账面价值。 Understanding Write-Offs 了解冲销 Businesses regularly use accounting write-offs to account for losses on a...
In a write-down, an asset's value may be impaired, but it is not totally eliminated from one's accounting books. 重要说明:请不要将冲销与减记混淆。就减记而言,资产价值会减少,但不会从会计账簿中完全消除。 Write-Offs vs. Write-Downs 冲销与减记 A write-off is an extreme version of a ...
write off 1.AccountingTo record (a worthless asset) as a loss. 2.AccountingTo record (a loss or expense) as a reduction in earnings or in the value of an asset:wrote off business expenses when calculating taxable income. 3.To consider as a loss or failure:wrote off the rainy first day...
The meaning of WRITE-OFF is an elimination of an item from the books of account. How to use write-off in a sentence.
An invoice, facture, ledger, and fixed asset transactions are created, and the status changes to Shipped. The status of the asset is Written off (sale). Click Fixed assets (Russia) > Common > Fixed assets to open FA Value Models page. The disposal date and cost of the fixed ...