What a wonderful thing to be a free dog, fleas and all. Believe me, it was a struggle not to take control of the pen when truck-o-sphere popped up. What does that even mean? Don’t reign yourself in or your words will be dead fish stinking up your page. The world has enough sm...
Source File: masscan_json_to_csv.py From scantron with Apache License 2.0 6 votes def write_results_to_csv_file(results_list, masscan_csv_file_name): """Writes results to a .csv file. Attempts to extract column names, falls back to CSV_FIELD_NAMES.""" print(f"Writing results to...
I bought an inexpensive 2mm mechanical pencil, and while the colored leads were crappy, I really enjoyed the thicker lines for sketching, notes, and bubbling in scantrons. I normally prefer 0.7 leads and use a light hand. Sounds like maybe you should stick to HB leads and perhaps try a t...