Discover the best practices for how to write a job description. Start attracting top talent and optimizing your hiring process.
A good job description is not just an ad you put out whenever you're seeking to fill positions; it's a powerful tool you can package to link up with top talent to increase employee engagement and productivity and boost retention rates. ...
Job descriptions are the cornerstone of the recruiting process. They help to attract top talent, set expectations for qualified candidates, inform prospects about the role and company, and streamline the search process. Plus, a well-written job description gives companies a chance to make a great ...
1. Use a Simple Job Title Avoid creative job titles like “Sales Ninja.” Why? They break Steve Krug’s brilliant rule of web communication: Don’t make me think! You don’t want a generic job description, but too much creativity will work against you— Stick to clear, keyword-searchabl...
A good job description not only provides an overview of the role, it explains the advantages of working for you. This starts by outlining the salary range and any other benefits like stock options, healthcare, or bonuses. You also want to highlight opportunities for advancement within the comp...
The role of a job description Reverse engineer the search process in your mind. Before all else, the candidate first sees or receives the description. For this reason, the more honest and detailed it is, the more likely it will attract the right fit. The candidate will use it to evalu...
Bring Your Job to Life A key part of knowing how to write a job description that delivers is to keep your ideal applicant in mind. Provide enough information and descriptive language to help them visualize themselves in the position. The better you can articulate the desired characteristics and...
If you are looking for an employee to work for your company, you need to attract potential candidates to hear about the job. Not just acknowledge the vacancy, but also, learn about the requirements of the specific role in the company. That’s when you need a job description. Before we ...
Write a job description for board membersA written job description is an effective tool for communicating to board members the importance of their role, and the commitment it requires. Job descriptions help board members understand and appreciate the expectations placed on them.doi:10.1002/ban.30187...
Job Title: Acknowledgement by Employee: The contents of this job description have been discussed with me and I have received a copy thereof. I understand that this document is general in nature and that duties and responsibilities required may be amended from time to time. ...