这是一个预处理的宏,你可以理解他作用是用宏 LCD_WriteReg(参数1, 参数2) 来替代函数,也就是说,你在代码里面调用了这个宏,程序就会执行:LCD_WriteCommand(参数1);LCD_WriteData(regValue);我们一般用这种方式来处理一下简单的函数,比如获取一个数的绝对值,比如比较两个数的大小等。希望对你...
DeviceCode = LCD_ReadReg(0x0000);//读操作能返回控制器编号 我想问下 LCD_WriteReg(0x0000, 0x0001); 这句代码的作用。第一个参数是写命令,第二个参数是写数据,我想问第一个参数是0x0000,代表的是哪个命令,IR命令还是00h命令。 第二个问题: ...
就是咱们的void LCD_WR_REG(u8 data)这个函数的时序怎么和书上的不一样呢 刚开始书上说的应该先CS=0然后RS=0我们的例程刚好相反啊 还有就是我理解是WR先等于0 再DATAOUT(data); 吗 本人菜鸟 还望原子哥指点一下 2020-6-9 17:23:02 评论 举报 刘丽 提交评论 答案对人有帮助,有参考价值 0 ...
Vertical : decrement) *//* AM=1 (address is updated in vertical writing direction) */ili9325_WriteReg(LCD_REG_3,0x1008);/* Set Cursor */ili9325_SetCursor(Xpos, Ypos);/* Prepare to write GRAM */LCD_IO_WriteReg(LCD_REG_34);for(index =0; index < size; index++)...
LCD_WriteReg(0x2C); } 开发者ID:ydwzj,项目名称:STM32F4,代码行数:40,代码来源:ILI9341.c 示例4: LCD_DisGB2312String16x16 ▲点赞 2▼ /*** * Function: LCD_DisGB2312String16x16 * Object: display a chinese string * Input: site, char, fColor, bColor * Output: none * brief: none ...
(); void lcd_writecmd(); void lcd_writedat(); //---DS1302写入和读取时分秒的地址命令---// //---秒分时日月周年 最低位读写位;---// uchar code READ_RTC_ADDR[7] = {0x81, 0x83, 0x85, 0x87, 0x89, 0x8b, 0x8d}; uchar code WRITE_RTC_ADDR[7] = {0x80, 0x82, 0x84, 0...
怎么从外部闪存写入TFT_LCD ,然后读取剩余的384000个字节并再次写入TFT。2。-从FLASH读取1个像素并写入TFT循环,直到完成全屏。也许还有另一种方法比这2最佳。感谢任何帮助。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I 60user1312019-03-13 09:52:10 NorFlash编程和擦除操作实践与指南 ...
Write any text on an LCD display (with LCD font). Draw a 2D Text Convert text to 2-dimensional drawing. Draw a 3D Text Convert text to 3-dimensional drawing. Create a Text Marquee Create a horizontally or vertically scrolling text. Animate Text Create a GIF animation of a text mes...
This guest post is by one of our regulars, Sara Steeves. A writer, dreamer, and wild horse chaser from Canada. She blogs atTo Chase a Wild Horse, and can also be found onTwitter(@Missaralee). Free writing is an exercise we oftenpracticehere at the Write Practice to unblock ...
Type of Issues (Enhancement, Error, Bug, Question) Question Operating System Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS x86_64 Python version Python 3.6.9 PySimpleGUI Port and Version tkinter. 4.30.0 Released 15-Oct-2020 Your Experience Levels In Months or Year...