readFile 参数 file:工作区中的文件路径 encoding:读取文件时使用的编码。如果省略,将使用平台默认编码 使用 println env.JOB_NAME println env.BUILD_NUMBER pipeline{ agent any stages{ stage("readFile") { steps{ script { json_file = "${env.WORKSPACE}/test_data/test.json" file_contents = readFile...
(7)parameters参数 说明:在pipeline定义流水线参数,'必须执行一遍才有' '原因':首先让其读取pipeline进行识别,才能执行 1. 2. 3. 补充:在图形配置实现的,全部可以以jenkins的形式来实现! (8)触发器 (9)tools(注意目前仅仅支持这三种) 使用方式如下 script标签'比较特殊':声名式和脚本式语法可以'并存' 1. 报...
[Pipeline] { (deleteDir) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo/root/.jenkins/workspace/pipe-example #println env.WORKSPACE [Pipeline] dir Runningin/root/.jenkins/workspace/pipe-example/testdata [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh+pwd/root/.jenkins/workspace/pipe-example/testdata [Pipeline] }...
在Jenkins系统中新建一个流水线任务: 创建完成后: 将任务配置的定义修改为pipeline script from SCM SCM修改为Git,Repository URL修改为项目仓库地址 取消最下面的轻量级检出复选框(因为以后会和Git Parameter插件冲突) Additional Behaviours中选择高级的克隆行为,将克隆和拉取操作的超时时间(分钟)设定为10分钟(因为有的...
在Jenkins系统中新建一个流水线任务: 创建完成后: 将任务配置的定义修改为pipeline script from SCM SCM修改为Git,Repository URL修改为项目仓库地址 取消最下面的轻量级检出复选框(因为以后会和Git Parameter插件冲突) Additional Behaviours中选择高级的克隆行为,将克隆和拉取操作的超时时间(分钟)设定为10分钟(因为有的...
Get-ADUser pipeline to the Set-ADUser Get-aduser regex -filter parameter? Get-ADuser returns blank field for scriptpath - issue Get-ADUser used in function to search by givenname and surname - Get-ADUser : Invalid type 'System.Object[]' get-aduser using upn Get-aduser where UPN doesnt mat...
Source File: From aws-codebuild-jenkins-plugin with Apache License 2.0 5 votes @Test public void testZipSourceOneDirEmpty() throws Exception { String buildSpecName = "Buildspec.yml"; File buildSpec = new File("/tmp/source/" + buildSpecName); String buildSpec...
Understand testing in AI assistant development with Rasa. Learn how to run tests and integrate them into your CI/CD pipeline.
The original inland train of thought envisaged a parallel energy corridor. Perhaps a natural gas pipeline that doesn’t have to contend with environmentalists is what really piques Barnaby’s interest today. AsTony Windsor points outit would harness a populist issue to to solve the problem of ...