Here you can have plan b go wrong. Then plan c. Or you can just have plan b work. The rule of thumb for try fail sequences is three, but one can be abbreviated — character is about to go there, oop, it’s closed. Or this being a short story, depending on how short, and ho...
Prove E = mc^2. How can Lenz's law explain the law of conservation of energy? The first law of thermodynamics says we can't get more out of a process than we put in, but the second law says that we can't break even. Explain this statement. What is Fleming's left hand rule? S...
he occupied a unique position within society. On one hand, he was a respected artisan, valued for his talent and skill. On the other hand, he was aware that the idols he crafted were objects of worship, and this gave rise to ethical questions. Did his work merely cater to the desires...
which are mounted on the rod the beam and the slider, wherein the fine actuator by electromagnetic force between the magnetic component produced according to Fleming's left hand rule, so that the slide relative to the rod fretting beam; a connecting means for elastically connecting the first ...
And his marriage was no better. Ann was a socialite, always planning upper-crust parties. Ian, on the other hand, rather despised parties and Ann's friends. He preferred small dinners with his friends. Ann was not supportive of Fleming's writing. At parties, Fleming walked in on Ann and...