When writing equations to solve for the zeros of a quadratic loses its luster, I write screenplays about fake bacon-flavored cure-alls and a lacrosse bench-warmer turned soccer star (due to a gruesome arm injury). My friends and I have always enjoyed listening to podcasts; now, we craft ...
enrolling in a creative writing class last year felt like diving into the deep end of unfamiliar waters. I signed up on a whim, hoping to add some variety to my schedule, but I soon realized just how uncomfortable I was when I couldn’t rely on formulas or equations to find a ‘correc...
She could calculate the answers to basic Algebraic equations when she was 9. She didn’t just want to learn, it was as if she needed to learn. So that’s why I wasn’t surprised when the doctors told me she did. Whenever I’d go over to her house and visit her, she’d be ...
It appears it’s likely to hit the moon Now find the quadratic line of best fit It’s the same way we find all lines of best fit, but we choose option 5 (quadreg) Apollo 13 What’s the equation? y = 3x 2 – 78x Now graph the equation (y=, VARS, Statistics, Right twice, R...
As she sits in school, her headphones have been banned and the only writing she does is equations and the answers to problems that are not her own. She watches the other people and envies their happiness. Everyday’s a struggle not to snap under the pressure of having straight A’s and...
Jargon (2) The justification for a travel grant My mathematical work is in the area of Symplectic Geometry and Differential Equations, in particular on a geometrical interpretation of the Painlevé equations. I have succeeded in attacking the Isomonodromical Deformation problem for higher order ...
The electron and phonon temperatures, Te and Tp, respectively, are found from the solution of following equations: ∂∂t(π2kB2N(0)Te23−E0Es(Te,|Δ|))=∇ks∇Te−96ζ(5)N(0)kB2τ0Te5−Tp5Tc3+jE,∂Tp4∂t=−Tp4−T4τesc+γ24ζ(5)τ015π4Te5−Tp5Tc, wher...
Carrozzeria Frua did produce a bespoke Quattroporte — based on the rear-wheel drive Maserati Indy — along very different lines. Two were built.[↩] Certainly, feelings at Maserati were mixed as to the car’s visual appeal — a former member of the sales team firmly in the negative camp...
Mathematics education is essential for developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It’s not just about numbers and equations; it’s about cultivating a mindset capable of tackling complex problems across various fields. However, the landscape of mathematics education is evolving. Traditional...
Puzzled, I began to read. The story was unfamiliar, the language flowery, prose-like, an ode to magic and mystery. The secrets of night and the glory of dawn, all wrapped into a few sheets of scribbled notes. Diagrams and equations filled the margins, complex mathematics beyond my comprehe...