Gujarati🇪🇹 Amharic🇾🇪 Yiddish🚩 Lao🇺🇿 Uzbek🇫🇴 Faroese🇭🇹 Haitian🇵🇰 Pashto🇹🇲 Turkmen🚩 Nynorsk🇲🇹 Maltese🇮🇳 Sanskrit🇱🇺 Luxembourgish🇲🇲 Myanmar🇹🇴 Tibetan🚩 Tagalog🇲🇬 Malagasy🇮🇳 Assamese🇹🇲 Tatar🇺🇸 Hawaiian🇨🇩 ...
First, you need to add your company or brand’s name. STEP 2- Enter your Product Description/value your company provides You have to write about what your company does and the value your product can provide, that is, your company or brand or product’s description. ...
Telugu 101 - Learn to Write Education Kannada 101 - Learn to Write Education Korean 101 - Learn to Write Education Urdu 101 - Learn to Write Education Gujarati 101 - Learn to Write Education Malayalam 101 - Learn to Write Education
Step 1- Login to your Writecream account & select Command Mode From the dashboard, select Command Mode to get started. STEP 2- Enter the topic on which you want a video script Write an elaborative version of the topic to cover every minute aspect of the video that you intend on scriptin...
Learn and Teach Gujarati Language Script using this irresistible tool and a unique app. Keep a collection of words and letters you want to practice and pace t…
Hindi , English Punjabi i can speak and understand but dont know the script so cant read and write. French i can read, write, understand but not comfortable with speaking (never got an opportunity after school). Rest, i think anyone who knows hindi can work out with gujarati, marathi, ha...
A platform to read stories, write your own and share your favorite ones in Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, English, Urdu, Punjabi and Odia
A platform to read stories, write your own and share your favorite ones in Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, English, Urdu, Punjabi and Odia
SETSBook:NCERT GUJARATIChapter:SETSExercise:Exercise 2.2 Explore7Videos Similar Questions Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Bo...
We advise you not to get into an argument with him over Gujarati culture, or in general Gujaratis, because you will be talked into submission. A movie nerd/rapper, he is passionate about making a movie some day.Drasti Shah Product Design From being an intern to joining full time, Dr...