The WTR comparators then generate a WTR comparator output indicating whether the write index matches the read index to control a WTR function. In this manner, the WTR comparator circuit can employ less WTR comparators than the number of read and write port combinations. Providing less WTR ...
servo gate signal SGATE 25 is true. At the falling edge of servo gate 25, comparator output 511 is sampled in write condition detector 33. Because head 10 is flying
multiprocessing返回值comparator返回值 ComparableComparable可以认为是一个内部比较器,实现了Comparable接口的类有一个特点,就是这些类是可以和自己比较的,在compareTo方法中指定具体的比较方法。compareTo方法的返回值是int,有三种情况:1、比较者大于被比较者(也就是compareTo方法里面的对象),那么返回正整数2、比较者等于...
The output of comparator 118 is qualified with a write transaction signal and buffer valid signal in AND gate 126 to determine if the current bus transaction is a write transaction to the same location as the read transaction address stored in the history buffer register. If so, a current ...
开发者ID:xbai043,项目名称:zt280-kernel,代码行数:25,代码来源:efuse.c 示例2: init_vdin ▲点赞 7▼ staticvoidinit_vdin(intwidth,intformat){ WRITE_MPEG_REG(PERIPHS_PIN_MUX_0, READ_MPEG_REG(PERIPHS_PIN_MUX_0)| ((1<<10) |// pm_gpioA_lcd_in_de(1<<9) |// pm_gpioA_lcd_in...
{uint16_tvalue;// Start with default valuesuint16_tconfig = ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_CQUE_1CONV |// Comparator enabled and asserts on 1 matchADS1015_REG_CONFIG_CLAT_LATCH |// Latching modeADS1015_REG_CONFIG_CPOL_ACTVLOW |// Alert/Rdy active low (default val)ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_CMODE_TRAD...
The methods are virtually identical and could have been merged into one with the introduction of a DefaultComparator that would use the Comparable method. The strategy pattern would have avoided this design flaw. "What is good code? I find it easier to classify 'goodness' by using good object...
import { getPrimitiveComparator, isDataPrimitive } from "../../definition/primitives"; import { EntityDef, EntityShape, getEntityName, Id, isId } from "../../definition/entity"; import { isDataReference } from "../../definition/references"; import { flatten, groupBy, isPlainObject, map...
expect(object).toExclude(value, [comparator], [message]) expect(string).toExclude(value, [message]) Asserts that a givenvalueis not included (or "contained") within another. Theactualvalue may be an array, object, or a string. Thecomparatorfunction, if given, should compare two objects and...
(01), on the first vertical sync pulse. This enables a NAND gate 194 to pass through to memory the level detect information. The level detect input is connected to the other input of the NAND gate and the signal comprises the output of a comparator (not shown) which passes only those ...