Mike was poking in the fire pit, always at promising option. He was, naturally, trying to bring it back to life. It was covered in gray ash that protected deeper embers. That’s when I noticed the aerosol can of bug spray in one of the mesh lawn chairs. I couldn’t believe Mike h...
sheet1.write(4,1,"Reaction Time") i=4forninlist1: i = i+1sheet1.write(i,0, n) book.save("trial.xls") I wrote this using all your suggestions. It gets the job done but it can be slightly improved. How do I format the cells created in the for loop (list1values) as scientif...
“by the book”. Imposter Syndrome is a common reaction to doing publicly visible and publicly criticised work like that done in open technology and culture. In this workshop, The Ada Initiative will discuss solutions for overcoming Imposter Syndrome.This workshop is only open to women, and ...
Since P is producing an increasing magnetic flux through Q, then the current in Q must flow in such a way so that it tries to prevent the increase in magnetic flux which is inducing it. The direction of the magnetic fieldBQproduced by Q must therefore beoppositeto the direction of the m...
You get what you give in life and police in Australia have been giving the public nothing but shit for decades. No respect deserved from the public and no mercy shown by the criminals. A day later, Wells expanded on his thinking: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and the ...
Here are three qualities of opening, or lead, paragraphs that win readers' attention: 1. They Are Direct The Wild West of the internet is no place for meandering. Your lead paragraph should walk down the street with purpose. Its commanding presence should cause others to step aside because ...
fibrinogen concentrations, INR and aPTT were also performed to explore the balance of secondary haemostasis.(active/passive:11/6) Tense in Introduction Simple Present Tense (一般现在时):much of the Introduction The present tense is used when stating generalizations or conclusions. 在陈述概况和结论时...
Analysis of "Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer: Mt. Everest Disaster What Does a Hospital Medical Lab Technologist Do? Revolutionary and Civil War Reconstruction Laboratory and Lab Safety Signs, Symbols and Their Meanings
Two 6 × 6 grids were prepared with 50 × 50 µm cells aligned in 5° increments from 0° to 175° (Fig. 5a). Considering only three M-LPI images of each 36-cell grid (θLPL = 0°, 45°, and 90°; Fig. 5b, black markers), the relative direction of DACLC ...
We turned right at the corner of the jail cell and into a stairwell. I could see an elevator nearby, but they didn’t want to risk being in an isolated space with us, so we continued past it. The stairwell’s walls were concrete as well, but the floor was metal. Odd. We went ...