Be a general manager and earn money for your foster parents. Be a cleaner and clean the city; Be an excellent writer and write articles for the great motherland. However, my dream is very simple, and that is to be a little green guardian of greening the earth! Why do I want to green...
A picture is often a sign of the blogger being friendly and open and – putting themselves out there – as they do with their writing. It’s not easy but it helps. Even face hidden kinda is better than no picture. Blog is not an online magazine, nor a portal of useful articles. Peo...
And this is where the retail shake-out in the headline comes in; progressively, over the past four years, the out-of-date leviathans, the single product chains, the superseded-by-technology businesses and the unable-to-respond-to-slicker-competition-or-just-ground-down-by-Amazon retailers have...
To listen to television and radio reports and read most articles that have gushed since Bulger's arrest and will do so for weeks to come, one might believe that Whitey singlehandedly created the Boston Irish Mob. As with so much else written or said about him, the divide between myth and...
Writer of screenplays, articles, comics, blogs, and short stories. Also a VO actor, video host, film producer, and travel photographer.