This is what I've got so far. I'm needing to access a data table on the server (tblStateCodes), loop through each line and write the contents to a local file (text or CSV). I've trolled the internet but it seems that there are many different examples which have confused me even...
create a user and use the below: lang-sql GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT ON MyTable TO User1 --for multiples, it's TO User1,User2 Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful....
And I have searched MessageBox Class in But I have not found any in the VB Language Regards Gary Gary SimpsonPlease remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmarked them if they provide no help, this will help others who are looking for solutions to the same ...
Get fields from LDAP Get First Day of Month in a DateTimePicker Get first line in RichTextBox Get Folder Size Get latitude and Longitude in Google maps selection in Get Only MAC Address with VB.NET? Get pixel color at screen position? Get process name and add it to a process ...
I am having a problem where I am using a INI file (I know security issue) to read the credentials and log onto SQL Server 2008R2. The application works perfectly with the IDE. But when I try and run the EXE I get the error below. I tried hardcoding the string and I get the ...
fill pdf fields with Filter ComboBox DropDown on TextChanged Filtering DataTables - Working With DateTime Columns filtering listview using textbox Find the field name, type and size from the dataset in VB.Net windows application Finding a Node in a Treeview control FINDING DUPLICATE VALUE...
While inserting to datatable or using other query, just check whether x is null or not and perform operation based on its value, like in sql parameter复制 Dim param As New SqlParameter("@Value", SqlDbType.Decimal) If x Is Nothing orelse x= 0 Then param.Value = DBNull.Value Else ...