My contribution was the call and introductory essay. I believe the observations about language are still valid to this day. There are some words that are used as emotional triggers and mental blinders. They serve the purpose of directing the mind to a specific direction where its critical ...
The Little Prince is probably one of my favourite books ever, both as a child and as an adult, and I can never read the end without tears in my eyes and voice (much to the embarrassment of my kids when I read it to them when they were little). I also admired his lifestyle as ...
I spoke of this some in my essay for Glimmer Train: I believe you have to claim your territory through specific details, through a sense of ownership of a kind of character or experience. You do this by tapping into your own history, the places and characters you know most intimately. I...
Why I Write "Why I Write" (1946) is an essay by George Orwell detailing his personal journey to becoming a writer. It was first published in the Summer 1946 edition of Gangrel. The editors of this magazine, J.B.Pick and Charles Neil, had asked a selection of writers to explain why ...
As mentioned in my previous post, I’m on hiatus from my regular blogging schedule. However, I did say I’d pop by from time to time with posts that I feel may interest my readers here. Below is an ‘essay’ I wrote over at the Google+ groupCreshenwhich sparked a very interesting ...
Receive paperalways on time Receive Paper in 3 Hours *EduBirdie as aPremium Partnerwas chosen among 50+ writing services by our Customer Satisfaction Team. How to write a bibliography in MLA style? The answer to that question is quite simple: to make a bibliography, you must compose an alpha...
s been everywhere – geographically and media wise – for the last few years and with good reason. A regular (and when I say regular I mean practically every night) on the spoken word scene, 2016 also saw her included in the bestselling, award winning essay collectionThe Good Immigrant...
Kerry Francis Bullmore Packer and he once threatened to kill each other over the takeover of Fairfax in 1991, according, at least, to Annabel Crabb’s 2009 Quarterly Essay. Yet sometimes the plan is too big for the man. When media took more interest in whether the local candidate, ...
A shorter version of this essay was first published onThe Tapestry Project SG– an independent, non-profit online publication that aims to restore hope and reclaim dignity through the sharing of first person mental health narratives. Share this post: ...