Students Write Tribute to Dead
Ultimately, when writing a eulogy, it’s helpful to refer back to an old adage as a guiding principle: “Don’t speak ill of the dead.” When writing a eulogy for someone you didn’t particularly like or know well, gather one or two positive memories or generic attributes and stick to...
The target to awaken the heart of which is prime The key to an agenda is to tell an enormous lie One so convincing, hard to see with a naked eye It takes a little while to figure out the deed People have to follow for a plan to succeed Move away from that plan, your freedom is ...
You can also add the favorite quotes of the person and a few christian sayings. Such a video in memoriam of the loved one can be used in different ways other than just to report someone is dead - posted on your social media, sent via email, and even played during the celebration of ...
He ordered the boys of fighting age to carry the spoils of the raid. He left the youngest children to look after the dead. By the end of the day, nearly a dozen boys, between the ages eight and fifteen, joined a column of captives driven along the road beneath the high canopy. The...
Donations can be made in person or through Christopher Luna’s PayPal account ( Include a memo stating that the money is for Ghost Town Poetry. According to Victor Griggs, “I am from the Pacific Northwest. I always love writing but I really started taking serious...
Learn how to write a perfect special occasion speech to impress the audience and gain the reputation of a great communicator.
1. Pick someone—or something—to eulogize. Important note: They should not actually be dead. You can write about a politician or famous person or your best friend or an object on your desk. Here’s an example by Hallmark Writer Dan T.: ...
The author explains that the book was intended as a tribute to Georges Perec’sThings: A Story of the Sixtiesand I can certainly see the parallels: a couple that are only ever seen as a couple rather than as distinct entities, a focus on the events and the material things around them ...
But of course, it’s only marketing; and there’s a superficiality to it. You don’t feel the real presence of the person who wrote it. So, that’s not quite what I mean with beautiful writing. This is beautiful … I recently read The Light of the World, a memoir by Elizabeth Ale...