When you write a summary you only need to include themain points of a text. The main points of the story are shownin the pictures. Number the pictures from 1 to 8 to show thecorrect order of the story.(当你写概述时,只需要写出文章的要点。下列图片展示了故事的要点,根据故事的顺序为图片...
1.Ashortenedversionofthetext2.Mainpointsofthetext3.WritteninyourownwordsAsummaryisabriefaccountofthemainpointsofanarticleinyourownwords.HOWTOWRITEASUMMARY怎样写一个英语总结 Discussion Question:Whatshouldbepaidattentiontotowrite agoodsummaryofanarticle?1.Canwemainlyuseourownwordsorthesentencesintheoriginal...
How to Write a Summary(概要)rite a summary is a great way to deal with the information you read, whether it's an article or a boo Read the piece thoroughly.You should read it without making any kinds of marks. Instead, focus on really understanding what the author is trying to say....
How to enable the students to write a summary. Step 1: Lead-in 1.Whatisasummary?——Itisabrief,thorough(详尽的)andobjectiverestatement(客观的陈述)ofthemainideaandkeypointsofthepassage. 2. Basic requirementsof asummary 3.How to write a goodsummary? ①Use words or phrases with the same or ...
1、How to Write a SummarySept. 6, 2017Definition of Summary A summary is a brief restatement of the essential thought of a longer composition. It reproduces the theme of the original with as few words as possible. When one writes a summary, one should not interpret or comment. All one...
【题目】Follow the steps below to write a summary for the text on page 50. Read the text and write a lst of the main detas.Strange things happened in the countryside before the earthquake..An earthquake hit=Chin a on 28 July 1976...■2 Write down the main ide a of each paragraph ...
themainpointsofeachsection.4.Writedownthekeysupportpoints 4.Writedownthekeysupportpointsforthemaintopic,butdonotincludeminordetail.5.Gothroughtheprocessagain,makingchangesasappropriate.Doex.Writeasummaryforunit1,textA Whenwritingthesummarytherearethreemainrequirements:1.Thesummaryshouldcovertheoriginalasawhole.2...
WRITING/ Summary Skills Academic Summary Skills What is a summary? A summary is a synthesis of the main points of an article written in your own words. It is a combination of selecting the relevant information and condensing it so that it is no more than a third of the length of the or...
如何写总结(How to write a summary) 1、the author tells us the importance of self-learning for children. not only should the teacher help the students to correct their mistakes, but also they should depend themselves to correct their own mistakes. 2、this passage discusses the importance of ...
How to Write a Summary? It's both easier and harder than you may think. By definition, a summary is “a brief statement or account of the main points of something.” Writing a good summary indicates that you clearly understand a text and that you can effectively communicate that understandi...