意甲冠军:出现<br>总结,出现<hr>出口‘-’,今天的字加上各行的假设是长于80然后包,每个字之前,留下一个空白格,为了输出新行结束。 #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char s[100]; int len,cnt=0; while(scanf("%s",s)==1) { if(!strcmp(s,"<br>")) { cnt=0; putc...
To write a simple Babel plugin, we can usehttp://astexplorer.net/to help us. The plugin we want to write is: varfoo = 'o'varbar = 'o'foo===barfunctionfoo(foo, bar) {foo===bar;} We want to trasnform the code which highlighted in foo() function to: _foo === _bar Notice...
phpclass Joker{ private $Error; public function __construct(){ $this->Error = new Bigger(); $this->Error->Processing_strings = new Lisa(); }}class Bigger{ public $Processing_strings;}class Lisa{ public $code;}$a = new Joker;echo base64_encode(serialize($a));?> 结果:Tzo1OiJKb2tl...
这里利用 gmpy2 中的函数 invert(a, p) 求逆元,所以总体程序是这样 代码语言:javascript 复制 from libnumimport*importgmpy2 a=173850238393608593391951896613467608950442363167911880317873686893733128994941274607560800688947088601393519171655109508141268682889576031364696334563924532285222870693181155608731996744543919961911954710012293873876853985789351...
); shellcode(); // Triggering our shellcode is as simple as calling the function again. } main(); JS jscript = add_debug_print_js(jscript) html = %( <html> <script> #{jscript} </script> </html> ) send_response(cli, html, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Cache-Control'...
var_dump($a->getProperties());php shell code:1:array(1) {[0] =>class ReflectionProperty#2 (2) {public $name =>string(8) "flagPath"public $class =>string(19) "interesting\FlagSDK"}}php > $d = $a->getProperty('flagPath');php > echo $d->getValue($b);/var/www/html/flag....
Combining the advanced concepts of SpringBoot with the simplicity and elegance of C#, declarative programming focuses on "what to do" rather than "how to do it", and writes code at a higher level.将SpringBoot的先进理念与C#的简洁优雅合二为一,声明式编程,
<a href="expense.portal?action=update&backto=add&id=<bean:write name="item" property="id"/>" target="mainFrame">修改</a> </div></td> <% } %> </tr> </logic:iterate> 14. 19.
Hint: I will tell you a secret path for web2:/admin/m0st_Secret.php! :) 不过访问没啥东西,于是使用sql注入读取这个文件,就在默认目录/var/www/html/admin/m0st_Secret.php,有个ssrf,参数是You_cann0t_guu3s_1t_1s2xs,翻了一下/etc/hosts,得到内网地址是172.20.0.3,感觉要内网搞,用dict协议扫了...
An example of a simple test:# content of test_sample.py def inc(x): return x + 1 def test_answer(): assert inc(3) == 5 To execute it:$ pytest === test session starts === collected 1 items test_sample.py F === FAILURES === ___...