Carefully chosen words can help you create a poem that sounds like the situation, emotion, or object you are trying to portray. For instance, short words with sharp consonants cause the reader to stop-and- go in a choppy cadence: Cut, bash, stop, kick, lick, bite, punch, jump, stick,...
I recommend a short burst of exercise (e.g. Pogo stick or trampoline) prior to homework, to send oxygen to the brain and boost serotonin levels right before getting stuck into something they might hate. Yep, that ties in with number 7 nicely. Also, do NOT encourage perfectionism with ...
passionately in a poem: "everything that winter has plundered will come back to you in the Spring Festival."." Don't give up hope; hope will add momentum to progress. How many men and women with high ideals at all times and in all countries, and make ...
Shortz has had a hand in providing me (at minimum) hundreds of hours of enjoyment. By the time it will all be said and done, he’ll probably have given methousandsof hours of enjoyment.
Anyway writing Hanzi has so many benefits that I don't understand why someone willingly would want to deprive himself from it. My guess is that this whole argument of writing Hanzi being a waste of time is a simple excuse for covering up laziness. B) ...