note:NOT ASP:TEXTBOX. how to get the .cs file from the published code. How to get the app settings value from web.config file to angular JS Controller How to get the date time of client PC in C#? How to Get the FileName Without it's Path? How to get the First, ...
Before moving on, set the solution platform to match your machine’s architecture. This is a requirement for a packaged plug-in, as WoW64 is not supported. Note that in this case, I’m deploying to the local machine, but the advice also applies when deploying to a secondary target device...
On Windows, scripts/platformOverrides.js is replaced by merges/windows/scripts/platformoverrides.js. This is how you can incorporate platform-specific code, if needed, and the same file-level merging also works for CSS, images and anything else. Just remember that it’s a file-level merge, ...
Angular - Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications It-Tools - Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX - An open-source social media application built with Typescript on both client-server side. ionic - An open-source...
Node.jsis an open source, lightweight and efficient JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It is designed without threads (single-threaded) and has a similar implementation to Twisted, a networking engine built using Python or Event Machine, an event-processing library for ...
How to Write and Call DLL's within Delphi - The following code creates a DLL containing two functions, Min and Max, with the objective of returning the larger of two integers.
that would change my career in ways that I could not imagine at the time. ThePragmatic Programmerrecommends learning one new language a year, and though I’ve added a few languages and frameworks since then, Javascript and AngularJS to name a few, I’ve never learned a purely functional la...
your application or on their complexity (within reason: long prototype chains tend to hurt, and objects with only a handful of properties get a special representation that’s a bit faster than bigger objects). For “hot” objects, try to keep the prototype chains short and the field count ...
type : sap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.JS, id : "todoView", viewName : "todo.Todo" }); oRootView.placeAt("main"); Here, we basically instantiate the main view of our application and place it on the page inside a DOM element with ID 'main'. The arguments we pass to the sap.ui.view...
So, when you take on a new project,before you even open Xcode or Visual Studio, you need to have clear and agreed-upon design goals. And these goals should be established in a specification document. If the client hasn’t written one, you should write it, and submit it to them for ...