输入load,后跟引号中的应用程序名称。 例如,对于 Tic-Tac-Toe 应用程序,请输入以下命令: basic复制 load"TICTACTOE.BAS" 通过使用以下命令来运行应用程序: text复制 run 应用程序启动后,系统会提示你先执行以下操作: basic复制 *** WELCOMETOTIC-TAC-TOE *** > YOU ARE X's <DO...
Representational determinism is the view that “the format of a representation can determine: For example, presenting people with different visual representations of the Tower of Hanoi problem (Zhang and Norman, 1994) and Tic Tac Toe (Zhang, 1997) affects their ability to solve the puzzles and ...
6.10 Assignment: Tic Tac Toe Write a program that allows two players to play a game of tic-tac-toe. Use a two-dimensional char array with three rows and three columns as the game board. Each element of the array should be initialized with an...