simply giving voice to a theme that I think has run throughout True Blood, a theme that if the writers were intentional about, could lead to the ending I would like to see. I say could because while I still think there is hope for Eric and Sookie (more on that in the last paragrap...
That whole paragraph is just brilliant. Words allow us to connect to the ones we love…absolutely true. Beck Gambill on July 18, 2012 at 11:40 pm Thank you Rachel! I think seeing our audience, regardless of how small, as worthy to receive the gift of our words is inspiring. ...
If you don’t grab readers with your first paragraph, they won’t stick around to read your story. Here's how to write a lead paragraph that draws them in.
Free Writing Paragraph Logic 487 Words 2 Pages Satisfactory Essays Read More Write A Letter To The Colonists rebellion against Britain. King George III and the Parliament have been wrongfully abusing their power; us colonists are tired of their exploitation and resent being treated as lower...