Choose(PicoCTF 2017 final challenge): I independently discovered a (possibly well-known) approach for bypassing a stack canary using characteristics of memory alignment for C structs in the GCC compiler. ECC2(PicoCTF 2017): this solution to an elliptic curve cryptography problem uses the Pohlig-Hel...
However, it uses a security mechanism called “crypto1” which is a simple, proprietary encryption mechanism that hardly has anything to do with modern cryptography. It has been broken for many years now, b… mcsolaar: Bear with me i’m a newbie All good, thats what we are here for...
the primary challenge being the excellent cryptography problemSofies Verdenfrom ASIS Quals 2017 which involvedSophie Germain identity. It’s a very well known math question turned into a clickbait meme which indeed 99.95% cannot solve (More like finding all the positive solutions). ...
#encoding:utf-8 import requests import string import base64 import random def catch(num,str1): a=0 b=97 while(a<=b): mid=(a+b)/2 tmp =hex(mid)[2:] if len(tmp)==1: tmp="0"+tmp str2=str1+"%"+tmp print str2 usernew = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + stri...