1【题目】Matlab作业只需写出每一步输入的公式就好(就是将输入历史ctrl+c再ctrl+v一下就好题目如下:Write a Matlab program that accept(接受) thetemperature (温度) in degrees F and computethe corresponding(相应的) values of degreesC. T he relation between the two isT he program must meet the foll...
how to write a program to compute those . Learn more about matlab programming, while loop, no attempt, doit4me, homework
Hi, I am new to matlab and want to write the following program "Write a matlab program that stimulate the line that passes through one given point and is parallel to a given vector. (in 3-D)" Help please ! 댓글 수: 1 Bjorn Gustavsson 202...
Write a MATLAB program that completes the... Learn more about use a for loop to find the maximum fuel flow rate in lbs/s, and report the rate and the minute when it occurs.
Write a basic MATLAB Program using Live Scripts and learn the concepts of indexing, if-else statements, and loops.
i have a homework and i cant solve this problem so please help me if anyone know how it solve Write a MATLAB program that prompts the user to enter a Matrix (A) and calculate the - (a) maximum element in each row without using ‘max’ function. (b)...
15 Chapter-2 Example 2.1 Write a MATLAB program to generate a few activation functions that are being used in neural networks. Solution The activation fuWeights of Neuron
b)Write a MATLAB program to compute the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)ofx[n] i.,Create a vectorx[n]for0≤n≤N-1,whereN=64. ii.Usefft()to computexFFT(k). iii. Use fftshift()and(Ω=2πkN)to create a ...
Write a MATLAB program to design an FIR filter and to plot magnitude and phase response for the given specification using Kaiser window. a)Pass band ripple0.087dB b)Stop band attenuation=60dB c)Pass band edge frequency0.4d\pi ...
How to Write a MATLAB Program - MATLAB Tutorial.zip 青春**红尘上传matlab How to Write a MATLAB Program - MATLAB Tutorial.zip (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分