fact and argument, so the format for a legal brief varies considerably not just among different courts, but also within one jurisdiction. A state’s Code of Civil Procedure or Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as local court rules, dictate the format. For example, there are ...
Make Yourself HappierDo you find legal research and writing tedious or boring? Are you busy during the day attending hearings, depositions, and meetings, so you need to work late and on weekends to meet motion and brief deadlines? Do you wish you had better research tools? Would you rather...
Legal Reasoning: This is the most important part of your brief as it describes why the court ruled the way it did; some law professors dwell on facts more than others, some more on procedural history, but all spend the most time on the court’s reasoning as it combines all parts of th...
Case brief又称case summary,是对已公布的案例所作的概述,换言之,是对案件事实和其中法律意见(legal opinion)的总结。目的是让学生确定法院案件中使用的法律规则,敦促学生分析法院是如何客观合理地将这些法律规则应用于案件事实的。 不过,很多人将“case brief”与“brief”混淆,二者是截然不同的。 Brief是律师向法...
Case brief又称case summary, 是对已公布的案例所作的概述,换言之,是对案件事实和其中法律意见(legal opinion)的总结。 不过,很多人将“case brief”与“brief”混淆,二者是截然不同的。 Brief是律师向法庭提交的表明其对案件的观点的书面辩论文件,称作“律师辩论意见书”或“辩论摘要”。在brief中,律师要以说服...
Case brief也是法律英语证书(LEC)考试的考查重点。 Case brief又称case summary, 是对已公布的案例所作的概述,换言之,是对案件事实和其中法律意见(legal opinion)的总结。 不过,很多人将“case brief”与“brief”混淆,二者是截然不同的~ Brief是律师向法庭提交的表明其对案件的观点的书面辩论文件,称作“律师辩论...
If the judges cannot understand what the case is about from the initial substantive exposure to your writing — a statement they expect to be clear — they may have far less patience with the parts of your brief that may legitimately be complex....
要想高效地阅读英文案例,必须要学会 撰写Casebrief(案例摘要),这是在美国法学院“生存”(survival)的必备技能。 Casebrief又称casesummary,是对已公布的案例所作的概述,换言之, 是对案件事实和其中法律意见(legalopinion)的总结。 不过,很多人将“casebrief”与“brief”混淆,二者是截然不同的。 Brief是律师向...
Take a deep dive into the art and artistry of writing and presenting a legal brief at the highest levels, and get some tips you can start using today. (Plus, do you know the official preferred font of the U.S. Supreme Court?)
The article offers information on how to write a grant application. It states that a grant proposal should contain facts concerning significance, innovation, and approach among others. Committee members admit that the substance and the writing style of the proposal affects them. It also mentions ...