Kids Can Write ContestFocuses on the Kids Can Write writing contest for child authors in the United States. Contact information.Gifted Child Today
Think of something to write about, and write the word on your notebook. Then try to tell what it is, what it is like, what it is good for, and what is done with it. That is the way to write a composition.”Henry took his notebook and went out. Just behind the schoolhouse was...
THE SCHOOL IS ALIVE (Eerie Elementary #1) by Jack Chabert, is an early reader with black and white illustrations throughout. My 5-year-old loves illustrated books about kids, and the quirky title/cover of this book caught his eye and the creepy story line held his attention. Sam Graves a...
Hallie Tisher, a Cloverport, KY mom of two, has written a silly and spooky childrens book called Frogenstein: A Ribbeting Tale of Mad Science. Here's the story behind the story. Book Donation to Resource Library in Madagascar To help improve the quality of life via therapeutic services in Madagascar, the Loving Healing Press is donating copies of ...
That’s just one example telling a different story, with punk the spark for that DIY approach, inspired kids getting out there and doing their own thing. “Yeah, the DIY thing was brilliant. Before that, the stage was something locked away from you. I was really into glam rock before ...
Should I write a story ?4 votes 317 views asked Apr 29, 2021 in Fiction by Thalia Should I write stories on kids talk ? Most likely I will write it about superhero s but If I start writing I might writ about other thingsstart-writing #ineedhelp #awnserquickly pleaseanswerme ...
2020 TIME FOR KIDS Poetry Contest(诗歌大赛)Calling all pcets! Write a funny and ryming(押韵的) poem. It must be an original poem that does not copy another poet's works. Enter it in the TFK Poety Contest. The winners will receive an online class visit from children's poet Kenn ...
One of my inspirations for writing is the words themselves. I was one of the weird kids who looked forward to vocabulary tests, because new words excited me and stimulated my brain. Play brain games with words to inspire yourself to pen them. ...
Nirusha Through the Doors of Magic For fans of magic and wonder, kids aged 8 and up Thirteen Roses – A Paranormal Zombie Saga For fans of zombies, apocalypses… apocalypti… apocal… you get the idea. Definitely for adults. A Spider Dreams –15 Creepy Short Stories of Horror, Mayhem...