If you have done exercises like palindrome check or reversing number, then you should know that there is very old technique of getting last digit from a number by using modulus operator. If we do 123456%10 then we will get 6, which is last digit. In order to get all digits we can us...
Write a program named Palindrome.java that prompts the user to enter a string. Your program should have a a static function named isPalindrome. This function should accept a string as an input and should return a boolean. The return value is true ...
Now, let us see an example with JavaScript and for this, I am going to request the AI tool to write a JavaScript code to identify whether the given word is palindrome or not. For this example, the prompt I am giving is “Write a JavaScript code to find if the given string is a pa...
C program to check a string is palindrome or not without using library function C program to check a string is palindrome or not using recursion C program to print the biggest and smallest palindrome words in a string C program to print the smallest word in a string C program to print the...
Answer to: procedure Loops(n:a positive integer) 1. for i:=1 to n 2. for j:=1 to n 3. print(i,j) a) Write what the algorithm...