as well as a “cutting word,” known as akireji, in the middle of the poem. In English haiku, it is not necessary to adhere to these traditional guidelines. However, themes of nature and seasonal change are still often found. Additionally, instead of the Japanesekireji, English...
Traditionally, haiku are about nature. One common theme explored by historical and modern haiku poets is seasonal changes. Often, a haiku focuses on a single moment in time and, in many cases, juxtaposes two images. Take a look at this example of a haiku by Matsuo Bashō, whose work playe...
to write a haiku about nature, you will have many more subjects to choose from. You could write about animals, plants, the sky, the ocean, streams, the wind, and so on. Start by selecting a topic, and then decide what you want to say; what observation you want to make about it. ...
The form of a Haiku originated in Japan and is featured by its brevity. The entire poem is only three lines long, and the number of syllables per line follows the 5-7-5 pattern. Haiku usually describes a scene...
Matsuo Basho was a samurai turned poet who devoted himself to popularizing and refining the Haiku as a respected form of poetry in the 1670s. Originally, Haikus were only written about objective observations about nature. Basho studied the philosophy of Zen and attempted to highlight these themes...
Only haiku constructed in the traditional/classical format will be accepted. This means each haiku must consist of 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line and 5 syllables in the third line. More information about this can be found atCOMPOSING. ...
Okay, seriously now. Please write your thoughts down about something you see in your everyday world or focus on nature, and then try to fit it to the five-seven-five pattern. Write a haiku poem and share it with us in the practice box below. Then comment on someone else's work. I...
August 30, 2022RonovanHaikuHaiku,Life,Love,Mindfulness,Nature,peace of mind,peaceful poem,Philosophy,Syllable poetry Free Flowing be slow as turtles heed little the passing time like twigs flowing free This is my entry for this weeksHaiku Poetry Challenge REED and Turtle. ...
Nature Colors Seasons Kigo list A-J Kigo List K-S Kigo List T-Z Noted on the site that not all words are Kigo.“Some are haikuTOPICS(keywords) to be used during the whole year.”There are several helpful links in the site’s sidebar. ...
Howdoesitlook?feel?sound?smell?taste?Whatcanyoucompareitto?Similesandmetaphors Whataresomecommonsymbols?WeatherFestivals/HolidaysFoods,Flowersclothing/activities Let’sWriteHaiku!ApoetrystylefromJapan.ASyllable Asyllableisonespokenbeat.Forexample:Tea/cherStu/dentWrit/ing HowManySyllables?