In C programming, first, we declare two variables of integers type, then using scanf() function we store the two integers in these two variables taken as input from the user. After that, we pass these two variables in a swap method which will swap the value ...
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A palindrome is a string of characters that reads the same forwards as backwards. For example, the following are both palindromes. 1457887541 madam Write a program that prompts the user to input a strWrite a program that displays a single character in all pos...
Write a program to find the largest and smallest element in the given arraySource Code#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { clrscr(); int ar[100]; int r,l,s,i; for(i=0;i<100;i++)
echo 'shell'|tr '[A-Za-z]' '[N-ZA-Mn-za-m]' 4-cat 本关地址:首先看提示,提示说答案在源代码的底部,拉到底下,惊呆了TAT这一坨TM是什么… 然后仔细看了一下标题Palindrome还有左边的一些,可以看到这关是以回文为主体的,找正则大牛帮我写了一个正则. ...
首先,标题是“Palindrome”,意思是“回文”,然后图片左侧有一些字符串,符合回文的特征,“c”,“a”,“t”三个字母标红了,试了试“cat”,果然不对……继续看下面“The answer has been lost in the source”,难道是让查看源码的意思吗?F12走起,然后就发现这句话下面隐写了“Notes: it's case-sensitive!”...
echo 'shell'|tr '[A-Za-z]' '[N-ZA-Mn-za-m]' 4-cat 本关地址: 首先看提示,提示说答案在源代码的底部,拉到底下,惊呆了TAT 这一坨TM是什么… 然后仔细看了一下标题Palindrome还有左边的一些,可以看到这关是以回文为主体的,找正则大牛帮我写了一个正则. ...
"; }else{ if(is_palindrome_number($req["number"])){ $info = "nice! {$value1} is a palindrome number!"; }else{ $info=$flag; } } } echo $info; 从代码审计中可以看出,首先number域不能为空,然后就是不能为纯数字,有is_numeric来判断,然后就是不能为一个回文数,这个是由is_palindrome...