-r filename - specifies a comma separated values (CSV) output file to dump samples into. -s use short process name from /proc/pid/cmdline in CSV output. -S calculate min, max, average and standard deviation in CSV output. -t threshold - samples less than the specified threshold are ign...
Types assigned to running processes are often referred to asdomains. By default, a new process inherits the context of its parent. For example, acatcommand entered by a user in the Bash shell running in theunconfined_tdomain results in a new process running also asunconfined_t. You can chan...
发现最近修改的两个文件,其中.bash_history记录了最近的执行命令,.viminfo记录了最近用vi或vim修改的文件 运行history命令查看最近运行的命令 可以看到,最近一直在运行这个renren-admin.jar这个java程序,感觉这个程序比较可疑,进一步看看这个程序是否正在运行 看到这个程序正在运行,但是看到程序设置的初始内存是256M,最大内存...