Even procedural matters are also legal in nature because no procedure in the country is independent of a law of the land including Indian Constitution. An advocate has the right to practice anywhere in India including the Supreme Court. But in order to file a petition in a court other than ...
§§ 1401, et seq., the Constitution of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and the agreement between the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and Congress, 48 FR 40567-01, are set forth in an appendix to this petition. Appendix, p. 39-47. STATEMENT OF THE CASE Introductory Statement The decision of ...
petitionwritpetitionersrebellotahilramanicoram (-1-)hvnINTHEHIGHCOURTOFJUDICATUREATBOMBAYORDINARYORIGINALCIVILJURISDICTIONWRITPETITIONNO.1721OF20041.SangharajDamodarRupawate,IndianInhabitant,residingatKapilvastu,4,KakiCourt,CumballaHillRoad,KempsCorner,Mubai400036.2.AnandPatwardhan,IndianInhabitant,residingat22,Lo...
The federal Justice for All Act passed in 2004, makes it easier for inmates to petition for DNA testing and provides incentive grants for states that adopt measures to preserve evidence after a conviction. These grants are an encouragement, not a mandate. Legislation governing the storage and mai...