Platform divers may wear protective tape, wrist splints or wraps that limit extension of the wrist.To prevent wrist sprains related to skiing, choose ski poles that have a low-profile grip with finger grooves. Also, grip ski poles without using straps and drop poles during a fall....
J Rheumatol 32: 2136-2143 Wrist-joint involvement is common in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and wrist splints are prescribed to reduce pain and inflammation. Previous research has found that patterns of splint wearing differ by task, and prescription of splints without knowledge of which patient ...
I have had great relief from using hand splints while sleeping. My doctor says your wrists flex a lot at night. Skendarian’s stock them, about $40. Kiran (5y, via fb): The Kinesis is the one I was thinking of. My late friend Hugh Daniel had one back in the day. Michael (5y,...
Background:The aim of this study was to determine OT's perceptions on the prescription and perceived effectiveness of working wrist splints for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.Method:Three focus groups (Morgan & Kreuger 1993) with 16 therapists experienced in the provision of working wrist splints...
The article highlights the research conducted by Francois Rannou on the benefits of thumb splint for people with osteoarthritis in France. The study shows that nighttime splinting has no effect on the pain levels and hand functio...
A crossover trial of custom-made and commercially available wrist splints in adults with inflammatory arthritis. Arthritis Care and Research 2004; 51(5): 792-799.Haskett S, Backman C, Porter B, et al. A crossover trial of custom-made and commercially available wrist splints in adults with ...
The effectiveness of working wrist splints in adults with rheumatoid arthritis: a mixed methods systematic reviewdoi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-eular.2302Lucia RamseyJG McVeighJohn WinderBMJ Publishing Group
The article discusses the role of supportive wrist splint in reducing wrist arthritis pain. It mentions that according to the research conducted, patients who wore the wrist splints experienced a reduction of pain of up to 32 perc...
The effectiveness of working wrist splints in adults with rheumatoid arthritis: A mixed methods systematic review. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2014;46(6):481-92.Ramsey L, Winder RJ, Mcveigh JG. The effectiveness of working wrist splints in adults with rheumatoid arthritis: a mixed methods ...
A comparison of static and dynamic wrist splints using electromyography in indi- viduals with rheumatoid arthritis. J Hand Ther 2003; 16: 320-325.Burtner PA, Anderson JB, Marcum ML, Poole JL, Qualls C, Picchiarini MS. A comparison of static and dynamic wrist splints using electromyography in...