1.(Anatomy)anatomythejointbetweentheforearmandthehand.Technicalname:carpus 2.(Clothing&Fashion)thepartof asleeveorglovethatcoversthewrist 3.(MechanicalEngineering)machinery a.Seewrist pin b.ajointinwhichawristpinformsthepivot [OldEnglish;relatedtoOldHighGerman,OldNorserist.Seewriggle,wry] ...
The articulation between the distal radius and triquetral bone is indirect and it is facilitated via a biconcave articular disk. The primary movements of the radiocarpal joint are flexion, extension, abduction and adduction. This article will discuss the anatomy and function of the radiocarpal ...
The anatomy of the wrist joint is extremely complex, probably the most complex of all the joints in the body. The wrist is actually a collection of many bones and joints. These bones and joints let us use our hands in lots of different ways. The wrist must be extremely mobile to give ...
In this chapter, information on the wrist anatomy, kinematics and its mechanical behaviours is presented. It commences with a brief explanation on the complexity of the joint, which covers the structure of its hard and soft tissues. All the eight bones constructing the joint were categorized into...
anatomy Print Also known as: carpus Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degr...
Generality–Anatomy解剖 Thewristisacomplexof15jointstobeinagoodbalancebetweenthembecauseanymalfunctionwilltendtoresultinaglobaldysfunctionofthewristitself.腕关节是一个由15个关节组成的良好平衡整体,因为任何的功能失常都会导致整体的功能失常 Functionallyyouhavetwojoints:其中两个最主要功能关节theradio-carpaljoint桡腕...
1.(Anatomy)anatomythe joint between the forearm and the hand. Technical name:carpus 2.(Clothing & Fashion) the part of a sleeve or glove that covers the wrist 3.(Mechanical Engineering)machinery a.Seewrist pin b.a joint in which a wrist pin forms the pivot ...
Hook of hamate fractures can affect the hamate carpal bone. They are rare and occur most frequently in golfers, baseball, or racket players when their club or bat impacts against the wrist. SeeGuide to Wrist Anatomy advertisement Regardless of the type of fracture, a vast majority of wrist ...
Injuries to the wrist and carpal bones can seem confusing, but with an understanding of the anatomy you can avoid critical ramifications. Wrist injuries may be among the most unfamiliar and commonly missed orthopedic injuries among emergency physicians.
In this concept the wrist joint functions with 3 parallel longitudinal chains. In each of these chains the proximal carpal functions as an intercalated bone. The specific shape of the intercalated bones establishes a simultaneous movement in the radiocarpal and the midcarpal joints which is a ...