The best way to understand carpal tunnel syndrome is to start by understanding the carpal tunnel. As its name implies, it is an actual tunnel, with a floor, two walls, and a roof. The carpal bones of the wrist make up the floor and both walls of the carpal tunnel, and the roof is...
The two bones (the radius and the ulna) pass through the front side of the user's wrist. Therefore the detecting element has a tendency to slip off the detection position of the user's wrist, since the skin surface of the front side of the user's wrist greatly moves as the user's ...
The hand, with its 27 bones of the palm skeleton and the fingers, qualifies as the most complicated osteoarticular segment of the human body. This most complex articulation includes the 8 carpal bones displayed in two transversal rows forming the wrist, the 5 metacarpal bones, followed by the...