绘画书籍罗伯特·赖特的《道德动物》内容包含原名:The Moral Animal by Robert Wright 作品简介:理查德·道金斯的《The.自私的基因,它很可能会改变人们的思考和感受方式。 (1975)和理查德·道金斯的《自私的基,国外经典名著电子书大全,pdf电子书下载网,古典唯美书库
The best-selling author of "Nonzero," "The Moral Animal" and "The Evolution of God," Robert Wright draws on his wide-ranging knowledge of science, religion, psychology, history and politics to figure out what makes humanity tick -- and what makes us mo..
The moral animal: Evolutionary psychology and everyday life: by Robert Wright. New York: Pantheon, 1994doi:10.1016/S1061-7361(97)90023-0PeterA.CorningSDOSJournal of Social & Evolutionary Systems
Wright, Robert (非出版) - The Moral Animal; Why We Are The Way We Are; The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. 文档信息 页数:198 收藏数:0 顶次数:0 上传人:bolee65 文件大小:0 KB 时间:2014-11-29...
最近读了很多重塑三观的基于达尔文思想的进化心理学的书,其中Robert Wright 的《The Moral Animal》(中译本已有)让我体会生命之中种种不好承受的“轻”和“重”。 我知道这种基于进化心理学的理论可能是对我们的道德观念的本源最接近真实的描述,虽然真相并不美丽。在破之后,Robert Wright 也尽量给了立的建议。如果...
RobertWright_2006[罗伯特.怀特][谈乐观主义].pdf,ED演讲者 :Robert Wright | 罗伯特.怀特 演讲标题 :How cooperation (eventually) trumps conflict | 谈乐观主义 内容概要 : he best-selling author of Nonzero, he Moral Animal and he Evolution of God, Robert Wrig
Author Robert Wright explains "non-zero-sumness" -- the network of linked fortunes and cooperation that has guided our evolution to this point -- and how we can use it to help save humanity today.
“pass” for their chosen gender completely. We need to be mentally and medically prepared for providing effective and competent health care to people who physically inhabit bodies that are hormonally and anatomically complex. Doing this work AND exploring your own personal, moral, or religious ...
I often become frustrated that at the age of forty I am still unable to conquer so much of myself. I become frustrated that this God life is so hard. N.T. Wright reminds me that if Jesus’ victory was won through the slow road of love, then my own victory will have to “be impl...
The moral high ground you defend I will pull them down Posted on September 7, 2014 All That Talk – Day 284 – Found at Brisbane Writers Fest I found this in the grass at Brisbane Writers Festival today. It reminded me that sometimes, speaking is just too scary and you have to write ...