Fallingwater consists of two parts: The main house of the clients which was built between 1936-1938, and the guest room which was completed in 1939. The original house contains simple rooms furnished by Wright himself, with an open living room and compact kitchen on the first floor, and thre...
《Wright 作品集》。▪️弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)是美国伟大的建筑诗人,在世界上享有盛誉。赖特师从摩天大楼之父、芝加哥学派(建筑)代表人路易斯·沙利文后自立门户成为著名建筑学派“田园学派”(Prairie School)的代表人物。 ▪️代表作包括建立于宾夕法尼亚州的流水别墅(Fallingwater House)和...
【公众号“建筑PaPaPa”传的视频】有机建筑代表作流水别墅三维动画介绍。视频转载自YouTube地址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AIPbJRP71E&t=2s作者:Bauhaus Movement, 视频播放量 5079、弹幕量 14、点赞数 60、投硬币枚数 13、收藏人数 171、转发人数 100, 视频
Frank Lloyd Wright’s most famous house,Fallingwater, was the recipient of minor damage after heavy rainfall caused the creek that gives the house its name, Bear Run, to flood last weekend. According toFallingwaterdirector Lynda Waggoner, a fallen log picked up by the overflow rammed into the ...
Frank Lloyd Wright’s Masterpiece, Fallingwater Frank Lloyd Wright devoted his life to Organic Architecture, the space within. Following this revolutionary design concept, he created the masterpiece called Fallingwater. Read more Frank Lloyd Wright Houses, Homes, Mid-Century Modern Architecture July 6...
*出于工艺美术运动的关联性,赖先生的一些代表作我会在文后贴出供欣赏和学习。 Imperial Hotel(1915) Johnson Wax Headquarters(1936) Fallingwater House(1936) Guggenheim Museum (1959)
流水别墅(Fallingwater House) 赖特寻求潜在的、统一性的一致表达,他从日本的文化理念中得到启发——在这种文化中,每一个对象,每个人,每一个行动都被整合在一起,从而使整个文明成为一件艺术品。最重要的是,赖特的愿景是美好的。他相信,每个人,不论男女老幼,都有权在美丽的环境中过上美好的生活,并力求创造一个...
Fallingwater pictures: fall photo from lookout, downstream. Frank Lloyd Wright planned the house with this particular view in mind.
🏛️ Frank Lloyd Wright,这位杰出的美国建筑师,以其“有机建筑”理念,即与自然环境和谐共存的建筑哲学,对现代设计产生了深远影响。🌿 Wright的建筑作品以其优雅和独特标志性风格在建筑界享有盛誉。他的代表作包括宾夕法尼亚州的Fallingwater、芝加哥的Robie House和纽约的古根海姆博物馆等。Wright还致力于为他的...