WRF_UoM_EMIT has been written in NCL (https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/); it has been tested with version 6.3.0. Input files are generated using anthro_emis (https://www2.acom.ucar.edu/wrf-chem/wrf-chem-tools-community); example configuration scripts for using this tool with EDGAR-HTAP emi...
The official repository for the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model - WRF/Registry/registry.chem at c40e138a5b9e2c9690b0d804e8b54f45a0523454 · wrf-model/WRF
Thank you for your prompt reply. Do you need the executable wrf.exe along with all the input files and namelist.input to run at your end?I will send you the output lscpu. Cheers 翻訳 0 件の賞賛 リンクをコピー 返信 ShivaniK_Intel モデレーター 12-10-2023 ...
NCAR WRF-Chem Tools for the Community. Available online: https://www2.acom.ucar.edu/wrf-chem/wrf-chem-tools-community (accessed on 26 April 2019). Cardoso, R.M.; Soares, P.M.M.; Miranda, P.M.A.; Belo-Pereira, M. WRF high resolution simulation of Iberian mean and extreme precipit...
It provides a collection of atmospheric and surface products in hierarchical data format for the NASA Earth Observing System (HDF4_EOS), including daily averaged atmospheric and aerosol properties (https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/tools/earthdata-search/, accessed on 3 June 2022). The Clouds and the ...
The NPN for the activation nucleation is derived from new field measurements of SO2, H2SO4, and particles through different size distributions using equipped and up-to-date tools (Section 2.1). The access to these data provides an opportunity to evaluate the performance of the WRF-Chem ...