Generate the emissions files for both domains using the emiss_v03.F program (section 3 of Quick Step Guide, Chapter 2 of the User’s Guide). File names will be wrfem_00to12z_d01 and wrfem_00to12z_d02. The convert_emiss.exe program is not currently designed to read the namelist....
51! Appendix A: WRF-Chem Quick Start Guide ... 61! Appendix B: Using MOZART with WRF-Chem ... 68! Appendix C: Using the Lightning-NOx Parameterization in WRF-Chem ... 70! 2 WRF-Chem Version 3.5 User’s Guide WRF-Chem Overview Table of Contents 1.1 WRF-Chem Introduction ......
I've added pre.bash.blueprint_manual, main.bash.blueprint_manual, config.bash.blueprint_manual, and main_restart.bash.blueprint_manual with these differences to the repository for reference. I'll also update the user guide. Sorry for the issues here. I was unaware that the CEMAC compilation...