function wrf_user_getvar (nc_file, fld, it) Usage: ter = wrf_user_getvar (a, “HGT”, 0) nc_file:wrfout的nc文件名称 fld:变量名 it:时间设置。假如it=-1,则所有时间均输出。 例如:tc=wrf_user_getvar(f,"tc",-1) === ;*** load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code...
wrf_user_getvar wrf_user_getvar function wrf_user_getvar (nc_file, fld, it)Usage: ter = wrf_user_getvar (a, “HGT”, 0)Get fields from a netCDF file for 1. Any given time by setting it to the time required.2. For all times in the input file(s), by setting it = -1 3...
p_join=getvar(wrflist,"P",timeidx=ALL_TIMES,method="join",squeeze=False) 代码语言:javascript 复制 <xarray.DataArray u'P'(file:3,Time:1,bottom_top:50,south_north:1059,west_east:1799)> WRF 文件序列字典 wrf.getvar 函数同样可以接受字典作为参数,当使用集合时是非常有用的。然而,在字典中所有...
times = wrf_user_getvar(a,"times",-1) ; get all times in the file ntimes = dimsizes(times) ; number of times in the file slp = wrf_user_getvar(a,"slp",-1) ; slp z=wrf_user_getvar(a,"slp",-1) ; height p=wrf_user_getvar(a,"pressure",-1) ; pressure q=wrf_user_ge...
(rainnc,Opt)time = wrf_user_getvar(a,"XTIME",-1)nlon = dimsizes(v10_regrid&lon)nlat = dimsizes(v10_regrid&lat)ofile = ""system("rm -rf "+ofile)fout = addfile(ofile,"c")dimNames = (/"lat", "lon"/)dimSizes = (/nlat, nlon/)dim...
wrf_user_unstagger Unstaggers an array Special WRF NCL Functions wrf_user_getvar Get fields from input file ter = wrf_user_getvar(a,”HGT”,0) {ter=a->HGT(0,:,:)} t2 = wrf_user_getvar(a,”T2”,-1) {t2=a->T2} avo/pvo: Absolute/Potential Vorticity, ...
[WRF]wrf_user_getvar 函数的使用 2013-04-03 09:03 −function wrf_user_getvar (nc_file, fld, it) Usage: ter = wrf_user_getvar (a, “HGT”, 0) nc_file:wrfout的n... 唧唧歪歪sss 0 6284 WRF 核心为(NWW)业务预报方面 2015-07-02 14:59 −1.下载地址 The WRF-NMM source code ...
1 •WRF模式简介•模式编译•模式设置及运行 234 •后处理 WRF是?WRF:WeatherResearchandForecastingModel可用于业务和科研由包括NCEP、NCAR、NOAA等多家政府机构、科研机构及大学合作开发与更新采用F90语言,模块化代码编写,便于新模块耦合与更新 哪些人使用WRF?•大气科学家(动力过程,物理过程,天气气候研究)...
20、(0,:,:)t2 = wrf_user_getvar(a,”t2”,-1) t2=a-t2avo/pvo: absolute/potential vorticity,cape_2d: 2d mcape/mcin/lcl/lfc, !cape_3d: 3d cape/cin,dbz/mdbz: reflectivity (3d and max),geopt/geopotential: geopotential,p/pres/pressure: pressure, !rh/rh2: relative humidity (3d an...