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Grid nudging assimilates reanalysis/analysis data inot the model simulation, while observational nudging assimilates observations collected at particular stations into the model simulation. 11.Convert model grid-relative wind to earth-relative wind (so that I can compare model wind to observations - 将...
Program MET, Model Evaluation Tools (, is developed and supported by the Developmental Testbed Center at NCAR ( The details of these programs are described more in the chapters in this user's guide. 图形与验证工具 该部分包括了:RIP4,...
最近开始学习wrf模型(weather research & forecasting model),记录一下学习的过程方便后续回顾。学习模型的第一步便是对模型做个大体的了解,并且能够下载到模型的源码以及模型运行所需要的数据。1、wrf官网:
Program MET, Model Evaluation Tools (http://.dtcenter/met/users/), is developed and supported by the Developmental Testbed Center at NCAR ( The details of these programs are described more in the chapters in this user's guide. ...
wrf手册中文精要.docx,Chapter 1: Overview Introduction The Advanced Research WRF (ARW) modeling system has been in development for the past few years. The current release is Version 3, available since April 2008. The ARW is designed to be a flexible, stat
3、ta assimilation research Forecast research Real-time NWP Coupled-model applications Teaching简介Advanced Research WRF (ARW)模式系统在过去的数年中得到了发展。最近公布了第三版,从2008年4月开始可供使用。ARW是灵活的,最先进的大气模拟系统,它易移植,并且有效的应用于各种操作系统。ARW适用于从米到成千上万...
Program MET, Model Evaluation Tools (http://.dtcenter/met/users/), is developed and supported by the Developmental Testbed Center at NCAR ( The details of these programs are described more in the chapters in this user's guide. ...
Chapter 5: WRF Model from Table of Contents • Introduction • Installing WRF • Running WRF o Idealized Case o Real Data Case ...
1 •WRF模式简介•模式编译•模式设置及运行 234 •后处理 WRF是?WRF:WeatherResearchandForecastingModel可用于业务和科研由包括NCEP、NCAR、NOAA等多家政府机构、科研机构及大学合作开发与更新采用F90语言,模块化代码编写,便于新模块耦合与更新 哪些人使用WRF?•大气科学家(动力过程,物理过程,天气气候研究)...