进去之后依次点击Code——>Download ZIP就将这个仓库文件打包成zip文件下载到本地了。其实个人觉得pdf版本或者网页版也挺好用的,今天偶然找了WRF的GitHub仓库,在其中发现有意思的东西还是蛮多的,其中之一就是word版的用户手册了,说不定有小伙伴需要使用word来修改、添加等,也就促成了这篇文章...
1.官网入门资源:To obtain the WRF model, become a registered user and then follow instructions to either clone or download the WRF source code from GitHub.1) Courses by the COMET group at NCAR provi…
The WRF/Chem User's Guide is designed to provide the reader with information specific to the chemistry part of the WRF model and its potential applications. It will provide the user a description of the WRF IChem model and discuss specific issues related to generating a forecast that includes...
34、l Evaluation Tools (/met/users/), is developed and supported by the Developmental Testbed Center at NCAR (met_).The details of these programs are described more in the chapters in this user's guide.图形与验证工具该部分包括了:RIP4, NCAR 图形命令语言 (NCL),以及为使用其他作图软件包:GrAD...
最近开始学习wrf模型(weather research & forecasting model),记录一下学习的过程方便后续回顾。学习模型的第一步便是对模型做个大体的了解,并且能够下载到模型的源码以及模型运行所需要的数据。1、wrf官网:
The WRF/Chem User's Guide is designed to provide the reader with information specific to the chemistry part of the WRF model and its potential applications. It will provide the user a description of the WRF IChem model and discuss specific issues related to generating a forecast that includes...
Program MET, Model Evaluation Tools (), is developed and supported by the Developmental Testbed Center at NCAR (). The details of these programs are described more in the chapters in this user's guide. 图形与验证工具 该部分包括了:RIP4, NCAR图形命令语言(NCL),以及为使用其他作图软件包:GrADS以...
1 •WRF模式简介•模式编译•模式设置及运行 234 •后处理 WRF是?WRF:WeatherResearchandForecastingModel可用于业务和科研由包括NCEP、NCAR、NOAA等多家政府机构、科研机构及大学合作开发与更新采用F90语言,模块化代码编写,便于新模块耦合与更新 哪些人使用WRF?•大气科学家(动力过程,物理过程,天气气候研究)...
23、.ARWpost,38,技术研究,namelist.ARWpost,39,技术研究,实例,2000-2009中国地区夏季降水模拟,40,技术研究,实例,2000-2009中国地区夏季降水模拟,41,技术研究,web资源,WRF model users site /wrf/users/user_main.html ARW users guide /wrf/users/docs/user_guide/contents.html WRF-ARW/WPS online tutorial ...
wrf手册中文精要.docx,Chapter 1: Overview Introduction The Advanced Research WRF (ARW) modeling system has been in development for the past few years. The current release is Version 3, available since April 2008. The ARW is designed to be a flexible, stat