将wrfbiochemi移动到WRFChem的运行路径,修改namelist。 在time control模块中加入,可自行定义间隔时间,单位是hour。 在chem模块将bio_emiss_opt改为3,并重新执行./real.exe,这样更改才能生效。 注意这个ne_area是我添加的,默认值是41,但是模式运行要求大于等于num_chem(化学机制中的物种数,取决于你选的方案,具体可...
2 WRF-Chem安装[2] 版本4之后WRF的安装包中就自带了Chem,可以通过设置export WRF_CHEM=1或0来决定安装与否。 在~/. bashrc中设置: ulimit-s unlimited exportMALLOC_CHECK_=0 exportEM_CORE=1 exportNMM_CORE=0 exportWRF_CHEM=1 exportWRF_KPP=1 ...
heqin-dell:~/Downloads/jasper-1.900.1> cd ~/models/wrf3.8.1/ heqin-dell:~/models/wrf3.8.1> tar xzvf WRFV3.8.1.TAR.gz heqin-dell:~/models/wrf3.8.1> tar xzvf WRFV3-Chem-3.8.1.TAR.gz heqin-dell:~/models/wrf3.8.1> tar xzvf WPSV3.8.1.TAR.gz heqin-dell:~/models/wrf3.8.1...
Static Data Downloads 9、安装MEGAN 参考链接:WRF-Chem--mozbc化学边界场的制作和MEGAN源的添加 下载megan_bio_emiss.tar、megan.data.tar.gz到WRF目录下并解压 vim Makefile,添加如下命令选择编译器和指定netcdf的路径 .SUFFIXES: .o .f90 FC = gfortran F90 = $(FC) NETCDF_DIR=/hpc/home/用户名/WRF/...
HPCG NETLIB-HPL STREAM Spack HPC Applications CloverLeaf-ref CP2K GROMACS HMMER LAMMPS NAMD NWChem OpenFOAM Quantum ESPRESSO ROMS VASP WRF Introduction The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model is a next-generation mesoscale numerical weather prediction system designed for both atmospheric researc...
Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. certain DA lists are not compiled on a first installation, missing linkers I believe. After running compile again it finds the missing files and creates wrfchem da with...
The aim of the current paper is to investigate how aerosol meteorology interactions influence the results of WRF-Chem simulations for the European domain during an entire year and whether the inclusion of feedback effects will improve the model performance at this scale. Extensive model evaluation st...
WRF-ChemV3单机版安装指南V4.0.PDF,WRF-Chem V3 单机版安装指南 V4.0 科研菜鸟:/u/sanshiphy 2017-2-14 初稿 内容目录 系统及主要软件版本1 说明1 步骤零:准备工作2 步骤一:安装 WRF 编译需要的工具2 步骤二:安装 C 和 Fortran 编译器3 步骤三:安装 NetCDF4 步骤四:安