If they aren’t gonna go old school and have people win multiple matches in one night, I like that they are at least making some stakes. Reactions: MVP, DCAllAfrican and 6 Rings G.O.A.T. May 23, 2024 #12,883 6 Rings G.O.A.T. Supporter Feb 11, 2006 138,025 120,288 Blue...
Same with the NWA Road Warriors, I get goosebumps thinking about them making their entrance. It legitimately seemed like someone might die during their matches. The Doomsday Device might have been one of the most dangerous finishers ever. If the person receiving it under or over rotated slightly...
O'Neil later participated in the André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at the WrestleMania 34 kickoff show, but he was unsuccessful in both matches. He was also part of the 50-man Royal Rumble match at the WWE Greatest Royal Rumble, and he was eliminated by the eventual winner Braun ...
“I’d love to keep on wrestling forever,” admits The Rayman, “but injuries really pile up. My spinal column, nerves in my lumbar region, and knees are too beat up now. I even use a cane in the shower. But I’m happy still being able to referee a couple of matches per card w...
I think it’s also worth mentioning, while great matches, the Gargano vs. Ciampa series didn’t completely do it for me for whatever reason (probably because Ciampa was gone too long). Gargano vs. Almas had a perfect story. Gargano’s focus was on becoming Johnny Wrestling again after a...
EDWARDS: The Knockouts were kind of what made me want to wrestle in the first place. At the time I came up in the business, it was like the bra and panties matches in WWE and all that stuff. The Knockouts were doing something totally different. And I still stand by that. I think ...
My mother used to tell me this in regards to HOW we would argue, which we were both very good at and sometimes very bad at. I think of that because today I had a phone call from an old friend who I often disagree with on political issues and such but it’s always a fun and enj...
So I’ve been writing down all the matches I’ve seen and rating them for the past three weeks, just for fun and maybe journaling for my mental health. It has me a bit invested more when the shows are on cause sometimes my mind wanders when I’m watching, thanks to ADHD. So here...
” in reply, then I immediately asked him if we could do one of his iconic poses, one of my favorites from his ring celebrations at the conclusion of his matches. If Hulk said no, my second option would’ve been the Rip’Em hand gesture fromNo Holds Barred. Surprisingly I didn’t ...
s had a great career with some unbelievable matches and has probably been even better since finding Jesus and coming back in 2002. Say what you will about who he was as a person back in the mid-90’s – he still had amazing matches and clearly influenced a lot of today’s talent. I...