Starring Ed Asner as promoter Frank Bass, this drama chronicles his efforts to put together a match for the ages featuring legendary wrestler "Billy the Kid" and the popular "Mike Bullard." Filled with authentic wrestling action and an engaging storyline, the film is a captivatin...
Covering the best sport in the best state, Jersey Wrestling promotes NJ wrestling with news, history, rankings, profiles, and contests.
This incredible fan art series on Twitter has been titled "Bats in the Ring," and the collected pieces of art tell an amazing narrative that depictsNightwingdefending his title againstRed Hoodin an epic showdown for the ages. However, Red Hood then faces off with Terry Mcginnis' Batman Beyo...
Starring Ed Asner as promoter Frank Bass, this drama chronicles his efforts to put together a match for the ages featuring legendary wrestler "Billy the Kid" and the popular "Mike Bullard." Filled with authentic wrestling action and an engaging storyline, the film is a captivati...
Starring Ed Asner as promoter Frank Bass, this drama chronicles his efforts to put together a match for the ages featuring legendary wrestler "Billy the Kid" and the popular "Mike Bullard." Filled with authentic wrestling action and an engaging storyline, the film is a captivatin...
Starring Ed Asner as promoter Frank Bass, this drama chronicles his efforts to put together a match for the ages featuring legendary wrestler "Billy the Kid" and the popular "Mike Bullard." Filled with authentic wrestling action and an engaging storyline, the film is a captivati...
Starring Ed Asner as promoter Frank Bass, this drama chronicles his efforts to put together a match for the ages featuring legendary wrestler "Billy the Kid" and the popular "Mike Bullard." Filled with authentic wrestling action and an engaging storyline, the film is a captivati...
Starring Ed Asner as promoter Frank Bass, this drama chronicles his efforts to put together a match for the ages featuring legendary wrestler "Billy the Kid" and the popular "Mike Bullard." Filled with authentic wrestling action and an engaging storyline, the film is a captivati...
Starring Ed Asner as promoter Frank Bass, this drama chronicles his efforts to put together a match for the ages featuring legendary wrestler "Billy the Kid" and the popular "Mike Bullard." Filled with authentic wrestling action and an engaging storyline, the film is a captivatin...