2Mojo Rawley The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royalmay have been relegated to the SmackDown before WrestleMania in recent years, but there have been several matches where WWE made this match important. At WrestleMania 33 the company even placed Rob Gronkowski into this one to add further imp...
在线看Big Show vs Floyd Mayweather - Wrestlemania.. 9分钟 12秒。17 9月 2014的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 3609 — 已浏览。 3 — 已评价。
Final Rating for WWE Wrestlemania 24 = 9 /10 This is without a doubt one of The BEST SHOWS/WRESTLEMANIA’S of all time. Going into this event the card looked pretty good but at the same time I had my doubts because of the boxing match, the title matches seemed rather average, and Fl...