Below you’ll find a complete list of AoE Grinding Locations arranged by expansion. Please keep in mind that the levels column is the level range of the mobs, not the suggested levels to be there. If you like a challenge try something around your level or higher, if you want it easy,...
A few minutes ago, we significantly reduced the cost of all Honor and Arena gear from Wrath of the Lich King. This is intended to better match the lower Honor gains players are seeing while at level 80, compared to level 85. Specifically, we reduced the cost of everything across the...
Once you’ve absorbed the essentials of Jewelcrafting, you can start gathering the necessary materials to level Jewelcrafting. To start off, you’ll need to buy a Jeweler’s Kit, available at General Supplies vendor. Since Jeweler’s Kit is a must-have item in your bags to level Jewelcraf...
This WotLK Fishing and Cooking leveling guide will show you the fastest way to level Fishing and Cooking from 1 to 450 in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Since leveling your fishing takes a long time, it's best to level these professions together. You'll discover that it requires a lot...
Interested in reading strategy guides and leveling guides for the Diablo 3 upcoming release? VisitDiablo 3 Guideand get prepared now. Welcome to! We aim to provide the best and most complete leveling guides for the World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, and Mists of...
1. Dungeons in Wrath of the Lich King Below is a complete list of all available dungeons in Wrath of the Lich King, alongside their recommended level ranges and a guide on everything you need to know about that dungeon. The recommended level ranges of the dungeons is for Normal difficulty...
If you run to the southern regions of barrens, be sure you are capable of fighting level 25 mobs effectively otherwise you may want to consider halving this route through the lower-level areas while you’re following the mining leveling guide on the zone map below. In addition to these mini...
To get a head start on other Enchanters, here’s a complete guide on how to level Enchanting quickly and effectively tackling the Enchanting trainers, the essential materials, and the leveling process. How to level Enchanting in WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic Learning Enchanting Jus...
This is the most comprehensive gold guide available on the market, I should know I've tried all the others. ALL INFORMATION IS UP TO DATE AND WORKS I personally wrote this guide after Wrath of the Lich King was released and ONLY AFTER I thoroughly developed and tested these new strategies...
Wrath of the Lich King adds the first iteration of Heirloom equipment to the game. These items are "Bind on Account" equipment that scale with the players level. This means that you can wear them at level 1 and they will level with you, all the way until