Hawke, an Australian Olympic sprint freestyler himself who went on to mentor Brazil's Cesar Cielo,...
Olympic champion Peruth Chemutai of Uganda sprinted past world record holder Beatrice Chepkoech of Kenya to win the women's 3000 steeplechase in 8:55.09, a national record, world leader and good for the No. 6 spot on the all-time world performer list. Chepkoech also dipp...
With the 2024 NFL regular season in the books, it's time to close the book on the rookie rankings. While many newbies are advancing to the postseason, the majority arenot. So, in the interest of fairness -- judging everyone by a common sample size -- today is the d...
Under first coachJoanna Hayes, the 2004 Olympic 100m hurdles champion, she won a silver medal at the 2019 World Championships behind Muhammad. But near the start of this year she announced a transition to work underBobby Kersee, husband of six-time Olympic medalistJackie Joyner...
(Saints forbid, because I think I’m really going to finish it this time.) Our apartment has very little storage, so I am gradually unpacking. The shelves do their appointed tasks, and the extra storage is ideal. Even so, some of what I had thought we could keep will have to go. ...
Anytime Isabella came home from college, the two went everywhere together -- Master Pizza, Progressive Field for Cleveland Indians games, or just to hang out at the home of Andy's high school sprint coach, Preston Parker. Vinnie has drawers full of UMass gear, none more prized than his No...
Of course, I usually slow down after NaNo, going back to about 1k words a day, but by that time I’m past the halfway point of my story and I am excited about reaching the end. So to conclude this rambling post, for me NaNoWriMo is the essential yearly boost of motivation , ...
Fact:I have won NaNoWriMo only one time. Julie Glover and I were accountability partners that year and we met for a lot of word sprints that November. My normal total is somewhere between 12-30K, and every year I am happy to have those words, and the momentum the challenge builds to...
Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
Word sprints (also known as word wars) are timed exercises where you are encouraged to write as many words as possible in a short period of time. You may be given a prompt or theme to help you write.[16] If you live near San Francisco, you may might attend the Night of Writing ...