rpm -ivh wps-office- --nodeps 在官方页面下载RPM文件.官方RPM包只支持32位版本linux,但是你可以在64位中安装。 需要使用yum命令并用"localinstall"选项来本地安装这个RPM包 yum localinstall kingsoft-office- 注意不要使用rpm命令安装。否者,你会...
If after trying WPS Office you still want to use Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus 64-bit, here is the delicateguide with each individual in mind to ensure a smoothfree download process.From the preparation stage until you start using it, this section covers it all. So, let's get st...
CentOS, Fedora 或 RHEL中安装Kingsoft Office在官方页面下载RPM文件.官方RPM包只支持32位版本linux,但是你可以在64位中安装。需要使用yum命令并用"localinstall"选项来本地安装这个RPM包 sudo yum localinstall kingsoft-office-,注意不要使用rpm命令安装。否者,你会...
If after trying WPS Office you still want to use Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus 64-bit, here is the delicateguide with each individual in mind to ensure a smoothfree download process.From the preparation stage until you start using it, this section covers it all. So, let's get st...
libXss.so.1()(64bit) 被 wps-office- 需要”原来是缺少了两个依赖库。切换root用户,输入:su然后密码后,输入指令yum install mesa-libGLU回车 选择y 安装成功,接下来在安装第二个依赖包,输入yum install libXss* -y 最后再重新安装wps就不会报错了,输入rpm -ivh wps-office-...
系统版本:Windows 10 Home Basic 64bit 软件版本:wps13.0.503.101 长破折号不间断怎么打 1 打开任意word文档,插入光标用来打破折号。2 正常情况下,打出的破折号是两条短线,如下图所示。3 那么长破折号不间断怎么打呢?首先用鼠标选中破折号。4 然后在界面上方菜单栏中找到字体格式,点击进入。5 将破折号的...
WPS Office 32-bit and 64-bit is a practical software package, including writing, presentation, spreadsheets and PDF creation abilities. It includes numerous advantages over similar packages; the cost-benefit is one of the most important attributes taken into account, since it costs a fraction of ...
Centos 6.5 (64bit) 安装wps 所需要安装包可根据链接下载也可在附件中找到 一、下载WPS For Linux 官方下就好了,好像目前只有32位的,我下的地址是: http://wdl.cache.ijinshan.com/wps/download/Linux/unstable/wps-office- ...