Yosun Singapore Pte Ltd.之普通股 2.事實發生日:112/1/6~112/1/6 3.交易數量、每單位價格及交易總金額: (1)交易單位數量:20,600,000股 (2)每單位價格:USD 0.66 (3)交易總金額:USD 13,574,170 4.交易相對人及其與公司之關係(交易相對人如屬自然人,且非公司之 關係人者,得免揭露其姓名): (1)交易...
WPG SOUTH ASIA PTE LTD,是一家新加坡采购商,寻迹数据为你提供WPG SOUTH ASIA PTE LTD的联系方式(包括联系人、邮箱、地址、网址等)及详细的采购信息,涵盖采购品类、公司名称、HS Code、货运次数、提单数据等。
is not an actual related party of the Company, the name of the trading counterpart is not required to be disclosed): Counterpart:World Peace International Pte. Ltd. Relationship with the company:WPG wholly-owned subsidiary 5.Where the counterpart to the trade is an actual related party, a pub...
is not an actual related party of the Company, the name of the trading counterpart is not required to be disclosed): Counterpart:World Peace International Pte. Ltd. Relationship with the company:WPG wholly-owned subsidiary 5.Where the counterpart to the trade is an actual related party, a pub...
Genuine C&C (South Asia) Pte Ltd 董事會 11.迄目前為止,累積持有本交易證券(含本次交易)之數量、金額、持股 比例及權利受限情形(如質押情形): 累積持有數量:48,420,000股;累計投資金額:美金10,011,111元; 持股比率:100%;權利受限情形:無 12.迄目前為止,依本準則第三條所列之有價證券投資(含本次交易...