internal static void HideMinimizeAndMaximizeButtons(System.Windows.Window window) { const int GWL_STYLE = -16; IntPtr hwnd = new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(window).Handle; long value = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, (int)(value & -131073 & -6553...
int dwNewLong);然后将此代码放入Window的Loaded事件中:var hwnd = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handl...
Is there away to remove the maximize and minimize buttons from the Rad Window. I would like to this dynamically in code. Notes note =newNotes(); intNoteID = note.AddNote(_wardcode); Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadWindow rw =newTelerik.Windows.Controls.RadWindow(); ...
1. 隐藏标题栏: 隐藏标题栏后,最大化、最小化、关闭按钮 就相当于隐藏了。 main_gui_window ...
How do you disable Minimize, Maximize, Close buttons + remove app icon on a WPF window? How do you disable tooltips in code at runtime how do you do a checksums in DLL's and in the EXE. How do you get a drag and drop event for a WPF textbox hosted in a Windows Form How do ...
window features and behaviors. These include caption buttons (Minimize, Maximize, and Close), the window border, resize and move behaviors, the application icon and title, and the system menu. The inner rectangle is theclient area. It contains the contents of your application, and it is drawn...
With the predefined settings, title bar options such as background color, foreground color, title, icon, and height can be accessed. The appearance of minimize, maximize, and restore buttons can also be customized. There are also options to show or hide the title, minimize button, maximize bu...
How do you disable Minimize, Maximize, Close buttons + remove app icon on a WPF window? How do you disable tooltips in code at runtime how do you do a checksums in DLL's and in the EXE. How do you get a drag and drop event for a WPF textbox hosted in a Windows Form How do ...
The non-client area of a window is implemented by WPF and includes the parts of a window that are common to most windows, including the following:A title bar (1-5). An icon (1). Title (2). Minimize (3), Maximize (4), and Close (5) buttons. System menu (6) with menu items....