ItemClick –raised on MouseLeftButtonUp when a RadTreeViewItem is clicked with Mouse left button. ItemDoubleClick –raised on MouseLeftButtonUp when a RadTreeViewItem is double clicked with Mouse left button. The time slot between two clicks must be less than or equal to 300ms in order to be...
Different Context Menu for each treeviewitem type in wpf MVVM Disable a button with ICommand in MVVM Disable add new row to wpf datagrid Disable all GUI input until one method completes Disable Alt+F4, Alt+Tab key press Disable button animation on mouse over Disable Button if PasswordBox is...
1. 重写StackPanel来绘制Item前面的竖线 2. 重写TreeViewItem的Style来绘制“+-”号和横线 首先们准备数据模型,来调试UI publicclassItemViewModel {publicstringName {get;set; }publicIList<ItemViewModel> Children {get;set; } } TreeView的基本设置 <TreeViewx:Name="treeView"><TreeView.ItemTemplate><Hier...
VisualTreeHelper类是帮助我们在这颗由可视化元素构成的树上进行导航的辅助类。我们沿着被单击的Button一层一层向上找,找到第三层发现它是一个ListBoxItem。ListBoxItem就是ListBox对应的Container,也就是说,无论你把什么样的数据集合交给ListBox,他都会以这种方式进行自动包装。 上面这个例子就是单纯的为了说明ItemsCont...
Here is the TreeView code I am doing declaratively: <t:RadTreeViewGrid.Column="0"Grid.Row="2" MinHeight="100"MinWidth="100" DataContext="{Binding Source={x:Static SizingApp:ProjectManager.Instance}}" SelectedItem="{Binding CurrentSelected}"> ...
Changing background color of the selected TreeViewItem? (should be simple right?) Changing button image depending on a view model property. Changing button text of MessageBox Changing color of TitleBar Changing datagridcell template dynamically in c# WPF Changing default Tab in a TabControl in WPF...
Since the PlacementTarget is the tree view item, as long as the mouse is over that item, the tip will remain rock steady.Try leaving the mouse on the item to test how long it takes for the tooltip to disappear: important to make it stick around so the user can grok ...
Different Context Menu for each treeviewitem type in wpf MVVM Disable a button with ICommand in MVVM Disable add new row to wpf datagrid Disable all GUI input until one method completes Disable Alt+F4, Alt+Tab key press Disable button animatio...
TheFocusBorderThicknessproperty is used to set the border thickness for the current focused item. The default thickness is1. How to add selection on right click By default, TreeView doesn’t allow selection on right click. However, selection can be added in application level by adding the tree...
{Binding PreviewMouseUp}"/><TreeView.ItemTemplate><HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local1:TreeGridDataStructure}"ItemsSource="{Binding Children}"><Border CornerRadius="0"Margin="1"x:Name="back"MinWidth="70"Background="Transparent"DataContext="{Binding}"><StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal...