了解如何使用 XAML 定义可扩展以容纳 Windows Presentation Foundation 应用程序中的多行文本的 TextBox 控件。
了解如何使用 XAML 定义一个 TextBox 控件,该控件扩展以适应 Windows Presentation Foundation 应用程序中的多行文本。
瞭解如何使用 XAML 來定義 TextBox 控制項,以擴充來容納 Windows Presentation Foundation 應用程式中的多行文字。
Name="tbMultiLine" TextWrapping="Wrap" AcceptsReturn="True" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" > This TextBox will allow the user to enter multiple lines of text. When the RETURN key is pressed, or when typed text reaches the edge of the text box, a new line is automatically inserted. ...
This TextBox will allow the user to enter multiple lines of text. When the RETURN key is pressed, or when typed text reaches the edge of the text box, a new line is automatically inserted. 示例出处:http://blog.csdn.net/cryeyes/archive/2009/10/21/4707386.aspx...
This TextBox will allow the user to enter multiple lines of text. When the RETURN key is pressed, or when typed text reaches the edge of the text box, anewline is automatically inserted. </TextBox>
将TextWrapping 属性设置为Wrap会导致输入的文本在到达 TextBox 控件的边缘时换至新行,必要时会自动扩展 TextBox 控件以便为新行留出空间。 将AcceptsReturn 属性设置为true会导致在按 Return 键时插入新行,必要时会再次自动扩展 TextBox...
How do I center multiple lines (each line) on a button? How do I center my app on the screen? How do I change a DataGrid checkbox without clicking twice? How do I change the Background Color of a button in WPF on a mouse click ? How Do I Change The Selected Item of a ...
TextBlock控件内可以放置很多控件,不光是文字。 <TextBlock TextWraping="Wrap"> <Button>Split</Button> <CheckBox>across</CheckBox> <TextBox>multiple</TextBox> lines </TextBlock> AccessText,Bold,Hyperlink,Italic和Underline望文生义,Subscript和Superscript已经废弃。(AccessText没有期望的效果) ...
Overview of how the TextBox class enables you to display or edit unformatted text in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications.